
B.B. Good

So I'm surprising my little sister with tickets to see the biggest 3D event of the year so far- at least in the B residence, that is. We are going to see (drumroll please)...

It's every 19 7 year old girl's dream to go see these three cuties, in 3D no less... Can y'all believe that our showing was almost sold out? It's at 4:30 on a Saturday afternoon and I bought those babies fast so our semi-ok seats didn't go to the other psycho moms out there (note: psycho mom not sisters.) She and I have been looking forward to this... me more than her, but that's not the point. The little girls in her class told her that this was coming, so she relayed the info to me with her big blue eyes (the eyes she gives to get her way) in a way that doesn't specifically say "can we go" but you know what she's getting at- she is my sister. Again, she gave the Big Blues that I take pity on (and she knows it, the little manipulator.) To her advantage, which she knew because we blast out and dance the Jonas Brothers every so often, I want to go. So naturally, I remembered her surprise so she could have the one on one time she loves, tell the girls at the birthday party she has Sunday, and I am deemed The Coolest Sister on the Planet... And it's not like I posed with the guys last month or anything because I was excited.

Seriously, get jealous; or not, the decision's yours. I know I'm ecstatic :) I mean, not.

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