
Ready? Ok!

Mkay, so I was thinking to myself... hmmm... what would be a good giveaway? I mean, what would really have me written all over it. After watching American Idol and seeing Alex Lambert's horrible mullet, I sort of want to give away a haircut. But y'all don't live near me and my hairdresser was way overbooked last time I went in (don't get me started on that), so I've had to rethink and go back to the drawing board.

The idea popped into my head though when I went to my favorite, favorite, FAVORITE store ever a couple days ago. What store? Target, of course. I mean, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out. It was probably my favorite visit ever. For one, did anyone else know that Giada de Laurentiis has her own line with Target?! I literally said, "hot diggity damn!" when I saw it. My dear friend Jessica laughed and said we were too young to get excited over stuff like this. I mean, really. I will get happy over anything she cooks, wears, or designs. She's like my idol. Giada, that is.

Anyway. Recoursing. Comment over the next 4 days (I'll be working all weekend, that's why I'm giving such a long time) on this post and we'll see who gets a $30 gift card to Target in honor of my 300th post!

 Get happy! And don't try on rings at Target. Just sayin'. That's a whole other story for another time.


R said...

Yes, I love Target! Good luck with everything

Anonymous said...

i love love love target, too!

Hannah said...

Now really, wouldn't it make more sense to have a $300 gift card since it's your 300th post? Sometimes I just don't get you! ;);)

Meg said...

That is exciting that she has her own line, I didn't know that.

Congrats on post number 300.

Faith said...

Wahoo!! I wanta win. Are you working tonight? I will be in Huntsville for Jen's BDay party! We might be able to swing by and see ya if I beg enough haha!

Unknown said...

congrats on your 300th post - awesome. and i think i want to be giada.