
Rawr to the Nth Degree

My level of irritation these days is high. I mean, HIGH. It has something to do with my hormones for sure, but seriously... I don't recall the last time I've had irriation this bad. I think I need to start tracking my days religiously because I don't remember when I had it... (by the way, I hope you know what I mean by "it".)

To make matters worse, I have work tomorrow through the rest of the week. With customers, such as Mr. Nasty Perverto, no less. Or the former/current coworker that I want to tell to never speak around me because she drives me up a wall. Not to mention the fact I found out I have to work Sunday. This better be the only Sunday I work this month, that's all I have to say. Or else...

Then I had to drop biology today to my dismay. The lady who did my paperwork said, "how's the teacher, out of curiosity?" I said, "agist, sexist, basically a pig." To which she replied, "I met him yesterday and thought the exact same thing." Touche, my dear, touche. But I have 18 hours left to take, that's all... only a semester if I were crazy enough. Which I'm not... so I can maybe transfer to Athens State by next spring. But-

I applied for the Disney internship. I have to call and set up an interview, but if I got it, I'd go in August through January. That could put school off... but I'm not sure yet, I'm not sure on anything right now.

I'm not sure what classes to take this summer, I'm not sure what to take this fall, I'm not sure what tomorrow brings, I don't know...


Ashley @ {Let Go, Laughing} said...

I hate the days when I feel irritated like this... hang in there!!

Zach said...

Just watch the lawn mower race at the beginning of every day. It helps, right? :P

Hannah said...

I could NEVER handle 18 hours-- I'd go nuts! I've always taken 12-15 hours.. mostly 12 haha.